Friday, April 29, 2011

Viviane del Acqs, Dynastic Queen of Avallon

Illustration: The Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse

Viviane del Acqs was a descendant of Joseph of Arimathea (St. James the Just) and the Dynastic Queens of Avallon, who descend from the Counts of Toulouse in Burgundy, France.

She was reportedly the wife of the great Druidic bard Taliesin, and the mother of Ygerne (Ygraine) of Arthurian legend.

See: Bloodline of the Holy Grail by Sir Laurence Gardner, p. 174 "Messianic Descent in Britain and Europe, 1st to 7th Century."

"This family was prominent in Aquitaine, an area with a name that also has its roots in acquae ("waters") or acqs, as indeed does the town name of Dax, west of Toulouse, which stems from d'Acqs. Here, Merovingian kingly branches that evolved from the Fisher Kings became Counts of Toulouse and Narbonne, also Princes of the Septimanian Midi (the territory between France and Spain).

"Another family branch, related through the female line, was granted the Celtic Church heritage of Avallon, with Viviane del Acqs acknowledged as the hereditary High Queen in the early 6th Century. Subsequently, in Brittany, a corresponding male branch of the Provencal House del Acqs became the Comtes (Counts) de Leon d'Acqs in descent from Viviane I's granddaughter Morgaine." (p. 112)

Regarding the legendary matrilineal descent of this line from Mary Magdalene, see:

Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code.

Gardner, Laurence. The Magdalene Legacy

Starbird, Margaret. The Woman with the Alabaster Jar.